Viridian green, lemon yellow, a burst of orange blossom, shocking pink flowers against deep intense greens, the play of sunlight on a red roof, the intricacy of palm leaves…. The intense manifestations of Nature and of light inspire me. These artworks have been painted Plein-air. The technique allows fleeting moments of color shades and light to be captured on canvas. The brushstrokes of paint delineate ‘perspective’ and ‘form’. I hope the viewer is inspired to live in harmony with the environment.
These paintings depict metamorphosis. Change is the only constant in Nature and in our world. There is natural change, where change is part of the natural cycle of birth, life and death. There is also change that is brought upon by human beings and society. The butterfly is a symbol for humanity, for people, for the individual. The ultimate goal of these paintings are to enable a certain social perspective, to highlight the wrongs in society, so that these can be corrected. I hope the viewer is inspired to make a difference and be a catalyst towards positive change.